Sunday, July 19, 2009
En. Abu a.k.a. abunikon
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
bahagie duhh~ bahagie gler. xsure np. myb at last aku dpt p smbg blaja ag kot. t'ign nk blaja ag, syukur alhamdulillah dpt smbg ag. nseb bek papa kte oke. klu xoke, nges r aku. haha~ mk xksh, bfad & papa & cikmai pn oke jek, kakya cm bsing cket, ye kte mhal, aku wt dekk jek. byat? emm, t mlm aku crte kt ye la. ye pn mst oke jek. knkn? hehe~ hery lak, cm xske jek. ye r, aku nk g jao, ps2 ssh nk jmp t, pulak 2 kt c2 ex aku si faris zaim 2 pn de skli. mken2 la sket at si hery 2. tp nk wt cmne seyh. aku da dpt pluang cmni xkn nk lps cm2 jek sbbkn ye. xmgken la seyh. emm~ tp, im soo soe oke syg, i should leave jz for a while. xlme pn k sygg. t tiap2 bln i blik k sygg. t kte jmp k yunk. emm~ tok kwn2 y len, aku xgtwu kowg ag kn, soe sgt, bill xbyar ag. pepn, doa kn aku k tok ley concern kt sne n focus focus focus! lala~ kowg, mst rndu sgtsgt kt kowg nnt. emm~ kowg xkn de gnti'y. swear!
blogger, wish me luck oke? xsaba nk p sne. senior kn, ishh. tnjok ajr ku sifu oke? haha~ emm, xsba nk mkn kopok lekor kt sne mst sdapp gler n ish ckp pntai ye cntekk2 blake. xsba seyh. nk g blaja cm nk g holiday lak. haha~ pepn, i'll try my besh to get the best from the best for be a best student. haha~ bestbest blake.
t'gnu, wait me there oke? im comin..
Friday, July 3, 2009
tahap kesihatan merudum disaat hari penting tiba :(
to bloggers, thx cz mmbce crte y xde faedah ni.wish me well very soon oke? ;)